Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Managing High Performance Work Teams

Relationship to ManagementIn order to facilitate optimal efficiency in an organization, there are a lot of factors to consider first like the financial stability, economic and market stability, and internal stability. As for the scope of this paper, all of the discussion will give emphasis on the role of internal stability on the success of an organization.  Internal stability may originate on how well the key persons of an organization work with respect to one another, like for instance, the organizational structure or the type of managerial strategy that is being implemented by the management.Actually, there are two approaches in managing an organization namely: first, letting the employees to use their creativity in handling various situations concerning the company without the supervision from the top officials; and the existence of a manager to supervise and delegate task to the employees. From the said two management approaches, it is the former which is more efficient and ef fective especially if the employees has enough skills and responsible enough to handle various tasks concerning the entire organization. In this regard, the idea of High Performance Work Teams arises.High Performance Work Team is basically comprises of two or more individuals working together in order to attain specific goals or objectives (Barkman, 1993). Oftentimes, this type of groups works independently without the need of supervision coming from any of the top officials for they have enough skills and talents to almost handle the tasks of a manager. Moreover, this kind of group has the ability to perform at the highest level even for an extended period of time.Most of the organization nowadays uses High Performance Work Team in order to manage an organizational conflict which concerns various department of an organization or just to maintain and develop good working relationship among members. Just like what has been discussed a while ago, High Performance Work Team can almost take the place of a manager since the group can even handle the facilitation of meetings and develop goals and plans. This is how flexible High Performance Work Team is.On the other hand, effective leadership also plays a vital role for the attainment of harmonious working environment and relationship among the members of the organization (Bolen, 2001). Leaders are the one responsible for delegating the task and solicit ideas from its members and collaborating those ideas into a more efficient and effective ideas. It is also the leaders who take the initiative to influence its members to perform their responsibilities and the one responsible for motivating all the members of the organization.Furthermore, one of the qualities that a leader must posses would be the ability to determine long term opportunities in order to provide the organization sustainable development (Clark, 2007). In other words, a leader must visualize the future of the organization and do not just focus on what i s currently at hand in the short run. Short run goals are being handled by a manager but when it comes to visualizing the long term welfare of the organization it is the job of a leader.In this regard, it is clear that a leader and a great manager, may it be an individual or a group of people like High Performance Work Team, plays a vital role on the stability and success of the organization at present and in the near future. This is the reason why they are very important key person in the management team of an organization for they are the one who drives the entire organization towards the attainment of their set goals and objectives.Pioneer Sector/sActually both private and government sector already implements High Performance Work Team; but it is the private sector that pioneered High Performance Work Place General Electric, Kraft Foods and Exelon. In the U.S. alone, High Performance Work Team gain acceptance in the corporate world during the 1980s when Boeing, Digital Equipment Corporation [presently known as HP] among others, adopted the said managerial strategy.With the said implementation of High Performance Work Team to the said identified organization, there exist major changes happened especially in organizational culture and merging of the goals of the organization with the social needs of the individuals. In just a few years after High Performance Work Team was presented to the corporate world, it already reached quantum leap in business result in the entire key success dimension together with the customer, employee, shareholder and operational value added dimensions.On the other hand, there is no exact date when effective leadership was really started entering into the idealism of the corporate world. But one thing is for sure, it is not only in the private sector where effective leadership is being implemented, even in the government sector it is also being widely used.Successful Company through HPWTOne of the possible organizations that successf ully mastered High Performance Work Team will be the Kraft Foods. At present, Kraft Foods leads the industry of branded foods and beverages locally and internationally. With its strategy of exploring the international market during the years wherein the domestic market was already becoming saturated, Kraft Foods was able to boost its profitability and market influence.Moreover, in order to successfully penetrate their target market, Kraft Foods entered merging, buy other food companies in the industry, and make partnership with other food companies from other countries. This market entrance strategy works well so far for the company based on their market position and influence.Because of the diversity caused by the identified market entry strategy of Kraft Foods can hinder the attainment of optimal efficiency and effectiveness of the entire personnel of the company, the Kraft Foods executives resulted to implementing High Performance Work Team which was comprised by representatives from different departments of a given branch of Kraft Foods to resolve diversity conflict and simplify the organizational structure in such a way wherein all of the employees of the company can work in harmony with one another.Diversity related issues and complexity of the organizational structure of Kraft Foods caused inefficiency in executing various operational procedures and strategies of the company as well as the depreciation of the performance of every employee due to their diversity (, 2005) and (Hopkins, 2005). The reason why the members of the High Performance Work Team of Kraft Foods came from the different departments of the company was to be able to have equal representation of voices of various groups of individual working in the company so that at the end of the day, whatever the solution will the High Performance Work Team arrive every welfare and interest was put into consideration.True enough, by the start of 2005, the efficiency and effectiveness o f Kraft Foods improved which can be seen on the profitability level of the company and the fact rate of its expansion in the market which made the company among the top multinational companies around the globe. With the simplification of the organizational structure and solving the diversity related problems of the company through the use of High Performance Work Team, business transaction has been executed faster and the harmonious working relationship among the members of the company provide enough motivation for every employee to perform their task to their full potential.On the other hand, the CEO of Kraft Foods, Irene Rosenfeld, was able to provide the company sustainable growth by the time the domestic market started to become saturated to their product line and visualizes the entry of the company to the international market. In this regard, the effective leadership comes into the picture of Kraft Foods’ success for the past years.Not only this, Rosenfeld was able to sp ot the diversity related issue problem and immediately find a solution to the said organizational conflict which is one of the tasks of a leader for an effective leadership of its members. With the existence of Rosenfeld to Kraft Foods, there is no doubt that the company successfully implemented not only High Performance Work Team but also the Effective Leadership.ReferencesBolen, M. (2001). Effective Leadership. Retrieved March 18, 2008, from$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/agdex1334Clark, D. (2007). Concepts of Leadership. Retrieved March 18, 2008, from (2005). Kraft Foods Announces Additional Simplification Initiatives. Retrieved March 18, 2008, from

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

River Rother

We are visiting four different locations, on the 18th September 2009, along The River Rother. It is hoped that these locations will demonstrate the three main courses of a river; Upper Course, Middle Course and Lower course. The four locations that we will be visiting and carrying out our tests are: 1. Marley Lane, for the upper course (the source) 2. Sedlescombe, for the middle course 3. Bodiam, for the lower middle course 4. Rye Harbour, for the lower course (mouth) The purpose of the study is to find out if our hypothesis proven correct or not, ‘The River Rother includes all the physical features and land use of a typical river.' Collecting data from each of the location hopefully will prove our hypothesis correct. The information that we need to collect from the three locations are; the width, depth and speed. To obtain these results we will be using a meter ruler, tape measure, clinometer and a dog biscuit. For some of the results that we are unable to get we will use a secondary source and we will compare our results to the results from text the books. The four locations that have been chosen are ideal for our study because they are close to the school, they show all the three stages of the rivers course and we are able to visit all the locations and get out tests done in one day. The River Rother, is 35 miles long, is a river flowing through the South East of England and runs though East Sussex and Kent. Its source is near Rotherfield which is in East Sussex, and its mouth is Rye Harbor, which is part of the English Channel. METHODOLOGY Width At a narrow point of the rivers course (Battle and Sedlescombe), we will use a meter ruler to measure the distance from one bank to other. At mid point (Bodiam), we will use a tape measurer crossing via a bridge. At the lower course (Rye), we will either estimate or use a secondary source. The hypothesis we expect to be proven correct that the width does get bigger as you carry on down the rivers course. Depth At Battle and Sedlescombe we will measure the river's depth 5cm interval to find out the shape of the river channel. At Bodiam there is a bridge and at every meter we will measure the depth using a tape measure with a weight at the end to hold it down. At Rye we will use a secondary source because the river there is much to deep for us to measure. The hypothesis we expect to be proven correct that the depth does getting deeper as you carry on down the rivers course. Speed of River The method for collecting the speed of the river will be the same at all for locations. We will measure ten meter along the side of the river, drop a dog biscuit in at zero on the stopwatch, and time it to see how long it takes to get to the end of the ten meters. The hypothesis we expect to be proven correct that the speed does increase as you carry on down the rivers course. Photographs We will be taking photos as we walk round to show the type of land use that is there and the landscape to see if it is the same as a typical landscape. The landscape showed to be the same as a typical rivers landscape. The hypothesis we expect to be proven correct. Field Sketches We will be noting down features/land uses of the land as we walk around so we can later on make a Field Sketch, really get an idea of the land use in the area, and see if it is like a typical river lay out. The hypothesis we expect to be proven correct; the landscape forms a more U shape as you carry on down the rivers course. Observations As we are walking round, we will be noting down the land uses. Valley/Slope Profile In pairs, we will measure the valley sides and floor at the river and will measure the distance it is between each other gradient of slope and measure the angle using a Clinometer. In pairs we will stand at the top of the valley sides. The first person will pace out until the slope changes angle, we will note this and the person at the top of the slope will note down the reading of the angle change with the Clinometer. The second person will meet the first person and the will repeat this, until the other side of the valley. The hypothesis we expect to be proven correct that the valley does make a ‘V' shape and closer you get to the mouth the ‘V' shape turns into a ‘U' shape. River Profile We will take the width measurement and depth measurement and create a cross section of the river for each location. Land Use Survey We will have an OS map of each location and use the keys to note down the land use. We will colour in the the land uses in different colour and after wards use a Ten by Ten grid (squared) and count up the number of square for each one and calculate the percentage out of a hundred for each one. We will then out this into a pie chart to show the percentages. The hypothesis we expect to be proven wrong for the land use to be the same as a typical river's land use. WHAT I EXPECT TO FIND Upper Course (Battle, Marley Lane) At this stage of the river it should be every slow and narrow and shallow. There should be many obstructions in the way of the river. It is because of all these obstructions that the river is flowing slowly. There will be steep valley sides a, ‘V', shaped valley and several waterfalls. There should be interlocking spurs. The land use should be over run by Pastoral Farmland and Woodland, Settlement. The volume should be small due to the large amount of obstructions and the shape of the valley which is due to the Interlocking Spurs (hard rock). Middle Course (Sedlescombe) The river should be wider than the upper course. The valley flor should be wider, faster flowing water and the volume should increase due to the change in the channel's shape. The valley shape should start to change more like a ‘U' shape. Pastoral Farmland and Woodland will dominate the land use. Lower Middle Course (Bodiam) The river has already started to widen so at this stage it is becoming even wider and the valley into a more pronounced ‘U' shape. From this the river is much large and deeper and volume is larger. The river should now be flowing much faster because there are very little obstructions in the way. Pastoral and Arable Farmland should dominate the land use. Lower Course (Rye) This stage should have the largest depth of the whole river because it is a deep ‘U' shape and the width is very wide. The speed as increased to its top speed because there is no obstructions in the way now and if there is every few. The main feature that should be found here is the mouth of the river that leads out to the Ocean. The flood plain is very large and the land use is all mainly Slat Marsh Land and Mud Flats so it unused and there is Industry. DATA ANALYSIS / INTERPRETATION Width The data that is being shown is the width of Battle, Sedlescombe, Bodiam and Rye. Rye had the largest width in between each bank leaving Battle the smallest. Ryes width was 2500cm; Bodiam had 1240cm, Sedlescombe 134cm and Battle 50cm. Rye has the largest width between each bank, this is because Rye is the lower course of the river and has no obstructions in the rivers path so it is the fastest flowing and erodes the banks faster. It is also the location where the mouth of the river, where it enters the sea. However, we did have to get this from a secondary source. Battle has the smallest width; this is because it is located in the upper course and the speed of the river here is at its slowest and is unable to erode the banks as freely as the lower course. The erosion found in the upper course is Vertical Erosion this is why in the upper course the river is shaped as a ‘V'. The most common type of erosion found in the middle course of the river is Lateral Erosion, which is why the river gets wider as you carry on further on down the river. The textbook theory from the textbook that the river gets bigger, in lateral erosion and vertical erosion, as you get near to the mouth of the river. Our hypothesis is proven correct for the width does act like a typical river. DATA ANALYSIS/INTERPRETATION Depth The data that shows the depth of Battle, Sedlescombe, Bodiam and Rye. From the upper course to the mouth the rivers depth got larger. Starting with Battle, which had the smallest depth of, only had 37cm, Sedlescombe with 50cm, Bodiam 97cm and Rye with the largest out of them with 400cm. The data for Battle may have been altered due to the heavy rain on the day, which may have caused erosion. However, previously very dry weather had led to low volume of water. The depth at Rye we have had to get from a secondary source due to the difficult fact that we are unable to measure. From the data, it shows very clearly that the rivers depth does increase as it goes along. This is due to the transportation of more water and material, which erodes vertically, this, is the act of it eroding downwards and laterally, which of it eroding across. The theory from the textbook agrees with our hypothesis and what we have found, the river does get bigger in lateral erosion and vertical erosion, as you draw nearer to the month of the river. DATA ANALYSIS/INTERPRETATION Speed The data shows that the River Rother picks up speed from Battle (Source) to Rye (Mouth). The speed of Battle was the slowest with 0.03m/ps, Sedlescombe 0.52m/ps, Bodiam 0.98m/ps and Rye with the fastest 1.72m/ps. The change in the speed is very noticeable when the river gets to Bodiam (lower middle course) the speed increases by 1.69m/ps. This is because this is the point of confluence (were two rivers meet).Battle and Sedlescombe are the tributary river from the River Brede, when a tributary river meet the speed and volume of the river increases. Because the volume increases that means there is more water in the river and from that there less obstructions in the way, so the river speed goes much faster. The theory from the textbook agrees with our hypothesis and what we have found, the river does get fast as you draw nearer to the mouth of the river. DATA ANALYSIS/INTERPRETATION Valley Profiles The valley at Battle is quite deep at the sides and not very deep in the middle. The shape is shaped like a ‘U' but this maybe be because of the bridge that goes over the top of the river. Battle has a small valley that had been enlarged by the bridge. Therefore, this affected our results slightly but the valley was meant to be ‘V' shaped. Sedlescombe is a lot flatter than Battle and it is wider. But we where only able to measure one side of the valley, so our interpretation is an estimate due to privet land but it still has the typical shape of a ‘U' which is what we expected to find. Bodiam has a very wide valley floor and the valley slopes where at an angle making a rough ‘U' shape like a typical river at this stage. Rye, we where unable to measure because the valley floor was too large. However, this is what we expected to find because it is the last stage of the river, the mouth. The theory from the textbooks is that the valley goes from a ‘V' shape valley to a ‘U' shape valley. This is due to hard rock being in the upper course of the river and because the high lands are mainly rock it is harder for the river to erode the away at the banks so it's a narrow shape forming a ‘V' shape but the river winds around the hard rock a pattern like a snake. As you carry on down the river the hard rock starts to get erode so what is left are interlocking spurs, these also erode over time crating a wider valley floor crating a ‘U'shape. The hypothesis is proven correct for the Valley Profile. How do I add the figures? DATA ANALYSIS/INTERPRETATION River Profiles The width for the three locations is as followed from smallest to the largest; Battle 55cm, Sedlescombe 130cm and Bodiam with 1200cm. Bodiam had the largest depth also with 150cm. This was we expected to find because it is in the middle lower course But this is possible to wrong because in the river were we measured there are pillars to hold the bridge up. So while measuring we may have measured off one of those by accident. In Sedlescombe the deepest point was 53cm which isn't very deep but this is also expected because it is the upper lower course. The depth is possible to change here too though but only due to lateral erosion. In Battle we expected a shallow depth and we got a shallow depth with 5.5cm. When we took measurements of the river at the different points we put this information into a graph, the graph showed us the shape of the river at each location; Bodiam had long steep vertical banks and the river bed was flat with a few bumps and then back up forming an almost ‘U' shape. Sedlescombe was more of a ‘V' shape, the banks both went down at different angles to each other and the river bed had a lot more bumps. The two banks are at different angles this would be due to Lateral Erosion (which is erosion at outside of the bend) which is common in the middle course to form such features like Ox Bow Lakes. Battle was very shallow and lots of bumps along the bed and is hard to tell if it looked like a V shape. After comparing our graphs to a typical river to see if our hypothesis proven correct or not, ‘The River Rother includes all the physical features and land use of a typical river.' It is proven that it does act like a typical river when it is compared. Evaluation – Conclusion From all our data that we have collected proves our hypothesis, ‘The River Rother includes all the physical features and land use of a typical river.' Our hypothesis has got most typical physical features and land use of a normal typical river. For example; Width, the width of the river proved our hypothesis correct that the river does get bigger, in lateral erosion as you get near to the mouth of the river. Depth, the depth of the river proved our hypothesis correct that the river does get bigger, though vertical erosion, as you get near to the mouth of the river. Speed, the speed of the river proved our hypothesis correct that the river does get faster as you get nearer the mouth of the river. River Profile, the river profile went clearly from a V shape to a U as you carried on down the river nearer to the mouth. Vertical Erosion and Lateral Erosion cause this. Valley Profile, the valley profile also went clearly from a V shape to a U shape as you got nearer to the mouth of the river. So from our data our hypothesis is proven correct. However they are some parts of our data that does not agree with the typical river physical features. Like for example; Land Use, the land use around the four locations was proven to be wrong because at each location the land use was predicted different to what we found to really be their. Land Use, In Battle it was predicted we would find Hill Sheep Farming due to the steep land and large areas. But we found was Arable Farming mainly and lots of Settlement. Sedlescombe it was predicted we would find Arable Farming and Settlement. What we found was correct for this location. Bodiam was predicted that we would find it dominated by Arable Farming which is correct. Rye was expected us to find mainly Marsh Land and some Industry. What we found was mainly Marsh Land but also a lot of Industry and Lines of Communication. With that being the only thing that proves our hypothesis wrong against the several other facts that proves our hypothesis correct, The River Rother does includes all the physical features and land use of a typical river. Photo and Filed sketches Evaluation – Limitation After getting all of my results I am happy with what I ended up with because a large amount of the data agrees with our hypothesis, ‘The River Rother includes all the physical features and land use of a typical river.' The land use is the only thing that went against our hypothesis but two of the locations were a tributary from the River Rother. And because Rye is such a large river we are unable to carry out our tests on it because we don't have the resources so we have to get all the results from a secondary source, which could be either out of date or a bad estimate. All the data we collected could be improved for example; The measuring of the speed, instead of using a Dog Biscuit and counting till it got to a certain spot. We could have used a Flow Meter. We were only able to do the Dog biscuit test once because we only had one Dog Biscuit for each location and it kept getting caught on debris in the river; sticks, rocks, trees and other debris. In Sedlescombe there were too many trees to get an accurate result the dog biscuit kept getting caught so we had to use several leafs to get our results. If we had a Flow Meter the test would have been much easier to carry out and a lot more reliable. Measuring the depth in all three locations can change and be inaccurate, due to the amount of water volume at the time of the measurement. And for the fourth locations, Rye, we had to use a secondary source which could be wrong and out of date. Bodiam we could only measure one side, the other is an estimate so that can be wrong affect the results of the data. Also the pillars in the river that hold up the bridge, it is possible that we could have been measuring off one of those for our depth. Sedlescombe's results were as good as we could get them. There was no interference other than the rocks in the water but they are natural so it's possible. In Battle it was very easy to measure because at Battle the river was very shallow. So if there was any interference we could just easily move it out the way. The way that we could have improved measuring the depth would be getting a boat and sailing to the middle of the river and dropping a weight with a tap measure and making sure we don't get any pillars. Finding the width of the river valley could all be wrong because in Rye we had to use a secondary source, in Bodiam we were only able to measure one side of the river valley due to what looked like privet land and us having to estimate what the other side, and finally Battle and Sedlescombe are both a tributary from the River Brede, so this could be a problem to our results because were meant to be collecting results from the River Rother and not the River Brede. The way we can improve all of this is by having different up to date sources and up to date equipment and measure more than once and take an average. For Sedlescombe how we measured the width was measuring across the bridge rather than measuring the river its self which means the bridge was probably wider than the river so this is a problem that can affect our results. The way we could have done this better is by getting two people down on either side of the river and measuring the length with a tape measure as close as we can. Battle is small enough to easily enough to have trustworthy measurements. The Valley Profile could have been improved a lot more by actually counting and measuring out our own individual steps instead of making all our steps the same with the same distance between each one. These problems could have easily been solved with a Meter Counter, counting our distance and adding up the distance we travelled accurately and correctly. And once we are back in the class room working out our meters into our own steps. This would have improved our data. Measuring the shape of the land with the clinometers wasn't perfect because not everyone was the same high as their partner so the accuracy was off at that point as well as the clinometers steaming up from the temperature made it hard to read the angles. The day that we went to the four different locations to do our test to get our results wasn't the best of days. The weeks before where hot and sunny causing evaporation, less water. Then the day and night before our trip it rained causing erosion and prevented us from doing most of the tests we needed to do correctly. It wasn't a good temperature either causing the clinometers to steam up and unable to read the angles accurately enough for a good result. The rain also ruined my own paper with my results on it making me have to get other results that could be wrong. And people rushing the test because it would start to rain again made it possible that we skipped something important and get the wrong results. Our hypothesis, ‘The River Rother includes all the physical features and land use of a typical river.' can be inaccurate because it isn't being very clear to what kind of river it wants us to test for, ‘a typical river' is there such thing? All rivers are going to be different whether its due to what part of a country they are in or the size of the river or even how much rain the river gets. But I think the main problem that makes our hypothesis inaccurate is not noting what country this typical river is from. A river in Africa is going to be different to a river in England because of the amount of rain fall, less rain less water in the river to clear the obstructions causing the river to have a smaller volume and slower speed. The land use would be completely different too; most of Africa is a LEDC (Less Economically Developed Country) so there wouldn't be a large amount of Settlement and Industry around the mouth of the river. The weather conditions affect the comparisons too, for example; if there is a heat wave the river will lose a lot of water causing speed to slow and volume to drop, depth and width would change too. In England we usually expect rain so the rivers volume, speed, depth and width would all increase. The hypothesis should change to a more clearer, ‘The River Rother includes all the physical features and land use of a typical river in England'. Or something similar that is more targeted on a specific river.

Monday, July 29, 2019

What is the threshold for manufacturing industries that manufacture or Essay - 1

What is the threshold for manufacturing industries that manufacture or process EPA listed extremely hazardous materials (Explain what it is and specify the threshold level in pounds.) - Essay Example Several reports are required for manufacturing organizations directly handling hazardous materials. These reports include chemical inventories, releases of these chemicals in the environment, and emergency notification and response plans, among others. The EPA identified 360 extremely hazardous substances and more than 700 hazardous substances (Alaska State Emergency Response Commission 2009, par. 14). The threshold is a value or the point at which the maximum concentration of hazardous materials begins to affect an exposed person. (International Association of Fire Chiefs 2004, 844) According the EPA, â€Å"the current thresholds for Sections 311 and 312 are stipulated: for extremely hazardous substances: 500 pounds or the threshold planning quantity, whichever is lower; and for all other hazardous chemicals: 10,000 pounds.† This means that a person would be affected when exposed to 500 pounds of extremely hazardous materials and the manufacturing organization has the responsibility to notify both the Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPC) and the State Emergency Response Commission (SERC). Below the threshold, the manufacturing facility has no obligation to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Will Bruder, At least two works Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Will Bruder, At least two works - Essay Example Aesthetics, pragmatism and innovation in a very modern setting are the predominant aspects of Will Bruder’s works. All of these aspects can be seen in two of his works, namely the Phoenix Central Library and the Byrne Residence. The aesthetics of the Phoenix Central Library solely focused on earthly beauty of steel architecture which took advantage of the sunlight through optical designs of the entire structure. The optical illusion created by the light which is ever predominant throughout the structure illuminates the modern design of the library. Even in the simplest shade sails of the northern windows are patterned after the seafarers of Maine. Even the Crystal Canyon, the library’s five-storey atrium, possesses nine skylights to track the sunlight’s movement. These skylights, covered by clear lenses, are suspended upon the ceiling which is 32 feet in the air. Such was designed by Bruder to create an illusion of flames at noon during the summer solstice (Seal, 1996). By the small details and the unique characteristics of the building’s interior and exterior portions, it can be clearly seen that the entirety of the Phoenix Central Library is inspired by a distinct theme which utilized a dark tone of steel to recreate the concept of earth. With the help of the architect’s play of mirrors and window panes, the concept of a fresh sunlight is recreated within the structure. The earthly theme in the aesthetic factor of Will Bruder’s works is also present in his work in the Byrne Residence. It is obvious in the external characteristics of the residence was comparably the same as that of the Phoenix Central Library. Simple shades of brown and gray fill the atmosphere of the walls. Also, the use of extensive glass panes was present in order to accommodate the sunlight. The Byrne Residence is located in the North Scottsdale desert area which makes the external

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Venous Leg Ulcer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Venous Leg Ulcer - Essay Example Financial expenditures are also substantial with costs in the United States estimated to be $75 million to $1 billion per year. Individuals who experience venous leg ulcers place significant demands on health services, particularly community-based agencies. healing is time consuming and lengthened, requiring health care professionals to spotlight on the wound or the branch that is affected by the leg ulcer in providing care. Although this is vital, existing research suggests that a more holistic perceptive of the experience of breathing with a leg ulcer may also be advantageous. Due to the actuality that community health nurses are the major care professionals providing care for this challenging health problem, they have considerable opportunity to impact not just wound healing but also the patient's experience of living with a leg ulcer. Leg Ulcer Pain, functional restrictions, and emotional suffering have all been recognized as contemporaneous difficulties connected with living with a leg ulcer. classification of these symptoms and their effect on lifestyles may provide important information to improve health outcomes, both from a provider and a patient perspective. Goals of alleviating physical and emotional suffering as well as improving wound healing may contribute to decreasing costs coupled with leg ulcers. Venous leg ulcers, like any unremitting disease, require self-management on the part of the individual. Self-management, in turn, requires knowledge, functional capabilities, and power in order to sustain healing behaviors. This preliminary research study sought to determine if individuals with venous leg ulcers had the necessary knowledge to participate in self-management and whether they were capable of performing the self-management skills that would enhance healing. Nursing role in curing pain Nurses, by virtue of their role in the close and continuous care of patients, are privileged to hear the stories of people coping in times of illness, feeling vulnerable and at the mercy of the system. Such stories reveal that the health of a society is more than mortality rates and numbers of surgical interventions and more than clever science. It is about how we support those in our society who are unable to care for themselves so that we have a society in which the quality of life is at least reasonable for as many as possible. This means facing the difficult decisions about redistribution of funding, about what constitutes good health and a healthy society, about who should make the decisions and about whose interests should be served in a health care system. The issues raised in this section are by no means all encompassing of our major social ills and make no claims to be so. They are merely those that claim the attention of nurses today as they work towards addressing how to e nsure better outcomes both for individuals and for society. But they can only do this if they are supported by a system with similar values and priorities. Implementation or Treatment A report commissioned by the Agency for Health Care and Policy and Research in 1992 found that less than 50% of venous leg ulcer patients reported having adequate pain management in the post-operative period. Studies undertaken in general

Friday, July 26, 2019

Travel Agency HR Plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Travel Agency HR Plan - Research Paper Example As such the key concerns for every human resources department have always been job satisfaction, employee commitment and motivation which are the determinants of the level of performance and job growth. The resources based approach to the role of human resources management proposes that the company has a competitive advantage if it can effectively execute its human resources strategy. As such the human resources strategy serves certain functions including creating competitive advantage. The focus of the firm’s competitive edge is the potential for effective and efficient execution of the production process. This is mainly associated with the firm’s workforce and how the workforce responds to the firm’s objectives and goals. People management The organisation’s human resources strategy ensures that the employees remain objective to the firm’s overall goals and objectives. Each employee has their own personal goals and objectives which are either simi lar or different from those of the organisation. The human resources strategy ensures that the employee aims and objectives are incorporated in the mission and objectives of the organisation. Job growth. ... This acts as a motivation mechanism for the employees by driving their efforts towards a particular achievable and well laid out objective. 2. Challenges in the implementation Change management in the organisation has always presented serious concerns to the human resources department. The implementation of the human resources strategy will therefore be confronted by the resistance to change among the employees who are not as willing to adjust to the new strategy. Further the new human resources strategy will require the managers to change their systems of administration and instruction to allow for the adoption and effective implementation of the new strategy. The new strategy also requires a particular skill set that acts as the basis for the allocation of duties and responsibilities. As such not many employees bear these skills. This causes the projections of the strategy to deviate from the practically possible results. The recruitment of the new employees will also create new tr aining costs to ensure that the employees maintain a strict standard of responsibility to the strategy. Finally the production line of the travel agency has an industry best practice standard which is commonly used among the travel agencies. Any deviation from the common standards creates doubts of actual effectiveness. 3. The purpose of HR metrics and their effect on senior management Human resources metrics are the series of factors and circumstances that allow the organisation to quantify the participation of the human resources as resources to the business. The effective implementation of corporate strategy depends on the ability to effectively manage the organisation (Lawler, Levenson, and Boudreau 2004). The

Cell Structure, Eukaryotic Cells, Active and Passive Transport Assignment

Cell Structure, Eukaryotic Cells, Active and Passive Transport - Assignment Example Four groups of materials are very important to the cell’s initial and continued functioning. Carbohydrates may be used as part of cellular wall structure, and are a main source of energy for cellular processes such as DNA replication. Different types of carbohydrates include monosaccharides, disaccharides, oligosaccharides, and polysaccharides. The former two are smaller than the latter pair, and are commonly referred to as sugars. Lipids are the major component of cell walls and are also used for energy storage. Lipids play a role in the transfer of information through molecular signaling. Fat, phospholipids, sterols, and waxes are different forms of lipids. Proteins are involved in a large number of cell structures and operations including energy processes, cell immunity, and transportation within the cell. Flagella of prokaryotic cells are made of protein, as are many structures within cell walls that are involved in the cellular signaling process. Nucleic acids like DNA an d RNA contain the genetic information (or instructions) within the cell. In eukaryotic cells the information is tightly packed and stored within the nucleus (allowing for larger amounts of genetic instructions), while it is free within the cytoplasm of prokaryotic cells, often in a circular arrangement. ... It is made largely of protein and houses the ultra condensed genetic material. A porous membrane encloses the nucleus, which is surrounded by organelles known as endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The purposes of ER are many and include protein production as well as cell maintenance. Some of these tubular sheets are covered in ribosomes (rough ER) while others are bare (smooth ER). Ribosomes produce proteins. Vesicles are small enclosures that pinch off from organelles and may contain something. Vesicles from the ER can contain protein and travel to another kind of organelle. Golgi bodies are flat and further process the protein within vesicles from the ER by performing maintenance and repackaging them for redistribution in new vesicles. The specialization of vesicles is a common occurrence within the cell. Lysosomes are specialized vesicles that devour unwanted bodies like broken organelles and viruses. Vacuoles and centrioles are other types of specialized vesicles. Another important orga nelle (not to say that they all aren’t important) is the mitochondrion. This organelle is responsible for generating most of the chemical energy that is used within the cell in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). 3. ATP Active and Passive Transport ATP is a type of nucleotide (a molecule that contains a base and three phosphates) that is used within cells to drive metabolism and other processes (Knowles 877). ATP contains energy in its bonds, and when those bonds are broken during binding with another phosphate the energy is released. This release supports the transport of large molecules across the membrane of a cell. This is known as active transport due to the energy usage. ATP is also important in the encoding of DNA by providing energy for

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Computer Security Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Computer Security - Research Paper Example Moreover, even if the vulnerabilities are exposed, it is likely that the hackers have used that information before. B.Keeping the attack confidential. This approach is being lauded by many organizations because this restricts the movements of hackers who are looking for exploits. This approach is good for government agencies because the general public can react hysterically once they learn that public agencies are not that secure. Perhaps, this approach should be used by organizations and agencies that can compromise national security. 2. The symmetric type of encryption is more popularly used simply because it more convenient and faster to implement than asymmetric encryption. This is due to the fact that same key is used to encrypt and decrypt the code by both receiver and sender of the message. There are many two main types of symmetric algorithms – block and stream ciphers. Examples of symmetric key cryptography are: DES, IDEA, AES and RC2. So far, DES is the most commonly used form of symmetric key. The only challenge presented to this method of encryption is that both parties must have a secure method when exchanging keys. Also, problems in verification can be encountered because both sender and user share the same key. Nevertheless, symmetric type is still used due to its speed and efficiency.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

US v Patel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

US v Patel - Essay Example One of the main purposes of judicial system is to provide the root cause of social problems. As it appears, the court was much concerned with administering punishment rather than finding out why the defendant was engaging in the medical frauds. There is a possibility for instance that Dr. Patel was not the only one engaging in this unscrupulous activities. Secondly, it has not been included in the case what the defendant wanted to achieve though his actions. It is therefore not possible for the court to prevent such acts from occurring in future. In conclusion, the case study concerned a cardiologist by the name of Dr. Panel who was engaging in unscrupulous and unethical activities. He performed operations on his patients without letting them know what he was actually doing. It is through the intervention of the court that this problem was discovered. While the intervention was important, the court failed in establishing the motivation behind the acts. Punishment alone should not be used to address crimes within the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Executive Leadership discussion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Executive Leadership discussion - Research Paper Example A good plan can be implemented only by a person who has the knowledge, skills and leadership abilities (Ammons and Newell, 1989). A good leader is the driver for a business to reach the destination of success. Thus, executive leadership is what the business depends upon for success. All business organization will have multiple level of employees, and employees at higher levels make decisions while the employees at lower levels implement the decisions. The success of any organization is entirely dependant on the leadership qualities exhibited at the top level (Elliott,  Clement &   Lessem, 1994). If the organization has a good executive at the top, the management will be good. Good management transfers its effects to all levels of employees and this in turn improves output or production and the quality of the product. Rhonda Abrams (1991) believes that executive leadership is required for the effective growth of an organization. All managers in the organization should have leadership accountability and this accountability needs to be discharged by the leader for the overall growth of the organization. Executive leadership provides a practical approach for improving the decision making capacity of the managers at all levels. Decision making forms the basis of achievement of targets and overall development of the organization. The executive leaders have to take up the responsibility of building the organization. They make fundamental changes in the organization and implement them. They motivate the managers to accept the change in the best interest of the organization (Elliott,  Clement &   Lessem, 1994). According to Wyne R. Davis, these are a few requirements of an executive leader. An executive leader, who has the ability to carry out the above responsibilities, will make the organization successful in terms of business. The executive leaders are responsible to bring an overall positive change to the organization. They set the right goals and aims

Monday, July 22, 2019

Why Should Schools Have Uniforms Essay Example for Free

Why Should Schools Have Uniforms Essay Uniforms have been incorporated into a lot of school systems all around the world to bring similarities to the school community and to prevent negligence between students. I strongly affirm that Sir Frederick Banting Secondary School in London, Ontario, Canada should promote uniforms to eliminate the differences between rich and poor, compose a better school environment, and to symbolize unity and equality upon students. The first reason to why Banting should promote uniforms is to eliminate the differences between rich and poor. The unfortunate poor student wouldn’t have to be ashamed of what he/she doesn’t own since everyone is dressed up in the same clothes. Also instead of the poor trying to achieve what brands the rich students own like Channel accessories, Lululemon etc†¦, they would all fit in. There will be no distractions and therefore; it will allow students to concentrate on learning instead of competing in popular fashionable clothing. Finally the rich students won’t have the chance to brag about what fashionable clothes they bought or have but instead they are mutual the poor ones. Essentially, it prevents the rich students from pointing out the poor ones and offending their style. Promoting uniforms in general will initiate the poor’s self-esteem to absolute positivity. Secondly, Banting should promote uniforms to compose a better school environment. There are many styles of clothing, some appropriate for school and others are not. Students and the media pressure us to dress and look a certain way. Some clothing contains logos promoting drugs, alcohol or even violence. Midriff shirts, halters and miniskirts are advertised everywhere. Since students want to fit in and be appealing between students, they want to wear this type of clothing. In most school systems like Banting, however it is not allowed, but students still manage to somehow fracture the dress code and escape the consequences. Uniforms will eliminate these issues to create a purposeful learning place that students will arrive to rather than giving the opportunity to students to provoke inappropriate hidden messages and images that would ruin the minds of educating students. Therefore promoting uniforms will be a very beneficial triumph to the school environment. Lastly, Banting should promote uniforms to symbolize unity and equality upon students. I believe uniforms help unite students in a common goal which is to do well in school. It is a symbol of student’s unity. They demonstrate to everyone that they are more than just their clothes and that they are all individuals trying to achieve the same goal for their future professions. On the other hand, it symbolizes equality because it brings students together despite their religious background, race, gender, and style of clothing students choose to wear. Since students from different cultures choose to dress in their particular traditional outfit, they are sometimes neglected and treated unequally by the students and even teachers, an example of that would be bullying those individuals and/or being insincere about their presence. They are often treated as a foreigner who is considered to appear outside the norms thus, uniforms help those students to be more accepted and judged based on their personality rather than appearance. Therefore, promoting uniforms would increase the symbol of unity and equality between students to a gratifying extent. In conclusion, I believe that promoting uniforms in Sir Frederick Banting Secondary will eliminate the differences between rich and poor, compose a better school environment, and symbolizes unity and equality upon students. Uniforms assist in keeping everything in order and organized around the school. School is a tremendous part of our life journey and by promoting uniforms we are making our life simpler, therefore increasing the chance of captivating success and happiness.

Evidence-based Versus Outcome-focused Practice Essay Example for Free

Evidence-based Versus Outcome-focused Practice Essay In many professions like medicine, psychology, education and psychiatry, outcome-focused practice and evidence-based practice are frequently used among other approaches. Due to lack of evidence-based information, the knowledge that many practitioners have been using is the knowledge that has build up from experience and it has not been researched on, to prove the validity of the same. Nevertheless, this does not mean that the information is always wrong, the information may be right but the evidence of the same may be lacking. Psychology has been affected by this as well as other professionals. Consequently, this essay seeks to analyze both outcome-focused and evidence-based practice and explain how counselors can contribute to the development of evidence-based practice. In addition, it shall also explain some shortcomings of outcome-focused practice and client directed practice. Since evidence based practice is the practice that has been recommended by many associations, it would be of much importance to look at it more comprehensively. According to American Psychological Association (2005), evidence-based practice can refer to combination of the best research available with the clinical knowledge in the context of patient characteristics, culture and preferences. The same studies record that the Institute of Medicine defines the same as the integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values. In psychology, this is very important as it helps to promote effective psychological practice which eventually enhances public health by the application of empirically supported principles of psychological assessment, therapeutic relationship and intervention. To be in a position to understand comprehensively what is meant by evidence-based practice, it would be necessary to understand the different components of the same. There must be best research evidence which refers to a body of evidence on intervention strategies, assessment procedures and clinical problems among others, drawn from various research designs and methodologies attesting the effectiveness of psychological practices. The evidence should also be based on reasonable sizes, systematic reviews, statistical and clinical significance, and a body of supporting evidence. In order for the research to be valid, the same should be based on progression from clinical observation by systematic reviews from of random clinical trials while at the same time recognizing gaps and limitations in the literature which is already inexistence and its applicability to a specific case (American Psychological Association, 2002). Clinical expertise in psychology refers to all the competencies that promote and lead to positive therapeutic outcome which are inclusive but not limited to conducting assessments and coming up with diagnostic judgments, systematic case formulation, monitoring patient progress, among others. It is actually used to integrate best research evidence with clinical data which can refer to information about the patient and which is usually obtained in course of treatment by the counselor or psychologist. In psychology, treatment is most effective when the services address patient’s specific problems, personality, and socio cultural context. The therapeutic outcome largely depends on some of the patient’s characteristics like readiness to change, level of social support, functional status, chronological age, developmental history and religion. Environmental context like health care disparities, stressors like unemployment, personal preferences and values like world views and goals, are all very important and usually have much to do with the outcome of any psychological intervention. Although the main goal of evidence based practice is to maximize the choice of the patient among other alternative and effective interventions, clinical implications of the same are considered to a very great extent. Having discussed what is meant by evidence-based practice and its components, it would be necessary to discuss the role of a counselor in the development of the evidence based practice. The first role of the counselors should be to join efforts with other researchers and professionals so as to make sure that the all the research data available on psychological practice is both clinically relevant and internally valid. Therefore, they should join the rest in conducting psychological research in order to validate the already available information. The research should also address the widely used psychological principles due to the fact that though there is no evidence to support the same, this does not mean that they are all wrong. For a long time there have been barriers and challenges that face the use of research-based evidence. Since counselors are the people who face these challenges daily in the course of their practice, it would of great significance if they helped in identifying these challenges. After identifying the challenges, they should be addressed if any positive outcome should be expected. However, addressing these challenges may be a very complicated process for any counselor especially without the support of others in the same and in other related professions. Therefore, it if counselors can combine and form organizations that can address this issue much can be realized from the same. For instance, if the problem facing the research happens to be lack of funds, an organization can raise the same easily or even be in a better position to influence some funding organizations to provide funding for the same. The American Psychological Association has been in the front line in ensuring that psychologists deliver the best services to the patients. In order to enhance development of evidence-based practice, counselors should strive to see to it that the psychological principles they use while addressing the problems of the patient are supported by sound evidence. This can only be achieved if they are well informed. It is therefore important for all counselors to be updated on various research findings in their area of profession. This can be achieved through attending various workshops and seminars. It would be very vital for all counselors to disregard all other information that does not originate from the credible sources. Counselors are the key people who can make sure that evidence-based practice is in operational because they deal with the patients directly. On the other hand, outcome-focused practice is a different approach from evidence-based practice, although the goal may actually be the same. Outcome focused generally refers to any approach that is more aimed at attaining the outcome of any method used . It is an approach that also focuses on building an alliance with the client and getting of the feedback from the client. This approach is most of the times client directed and that is the reason as to why the key person in this approach is basically the client. The first step in this approach is to listen and identify what the client want. The psychologist then plans the intervention strategies in such a way that the goals of the client can be easily achieved. To achieve this, the practitioner keeps on getting feedback from the client concerning the whole process to determine whether the goals of the client are being addressed. The reason as to why it is mostly client directed is because it aims at attaining the goals set by the client and the method of doing the same is by using strategies which are also designed by the client (Abraham Michie 2004). Client driven and outcome focused practice is more often than not very successful although this does not mean that it is the best form of practice. Research has shown that it enhances the outcome of those cases that face the risk of the poor outcome more so because the client’s contribution is encouraged. Moreover, it reduces the drop out rates since the client is unlikely to drop, out of the strategy that has been devised to favor him. This practice is widely used especially while dealing with mental health patients as well as other emotional disturbances. Failure to use such a practice while dealing with such sensitive issues can easily interfere with the outcome. However, although outcome focused and client directed practice are widely used especially in psychology, the same has got some shortcomings. Some scholars have urgued that in outcome-focused practice, sometimes the outcome becomes the opposite of what is already expected. This is due to the fact that most of the times the practitioner lays a lot of emphasis on the outcome and forgets all about the process. The process is very important since the outcome largely depends on the process that has been used. For instance, while counseling a bereaved person, the process of doing that is very important as it dictates the outcome of the same. Failure to use the right process may not only interfere with the outcome but it can also easily worsen the condition of the patient or the client. Despite the fact that client directed practice reduces the drop out rates in any intervention procedure as highlighted earlier, there are still some shortcomings of the same. In client directed practice, the use of research based-evidence is sometimes compromised. This is because in this practice, the client is allowed to come up with goals and the means of achieving those goals. The truth is that the counselor may not get the opportunity of using the already available knowledge in solving the problem. Since the client is not actually a professional of the same the required outcome may be achieved but without the use of the best practice method. The counselor also strains a lot while trying to devise ways and means that will best address the client’s problem in a manner that will favor the client (Abraham Michie 2004). In psychology the mode of practice is very important because it does not only affect the outcome, but the future of the subject as well. Since psychology is a science, all strategies and the methods of practice should be adequately researched on before they are applied in solving human problems. This is the main reason that makes a lot of organizations and associations to propose the use of evidence-based practice. This allows the use of strategies that have been verified by use of sound research procedures which is not only effective but also minimizes the chances of having a lot of quacks in the profession. However, there is also outcome-focused practice and client directed practice. The study of the same shows that it is largely used in psychology as it is used in other relevant areas. Although it is highly successful for it improves the outcome of very sensitive issues, it is at the same time not the best. This is because at times it disregards the use of the already researched methods and knowledge which is a draw back, for it prevents change and development in the field of psychology. Moreover, patient’s interpretation of a certain situation may change in the course of the intervention which may complicate the whole procedure or interfere with it altogether (Wilson, Taylor, 2005). Although more emphasis has been laid on the evidence-based practice, outcome and client directed practice cannot and should not be done away with altogether. They are all important, but the counselor should be empowered and be in a position to make the right decision while dealing with the client. Moreover, incorporating evidence based practice should not be rushed because change may actually take some time, especially when a whole system is concerned. Nonetheless, evidence-based and outcome-focused practices are all modes of practice in the field of psychology and contribute differently towards the same. References Abraham, C. Michie, S. , (2004). Health Psychology in Practice. Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell. American Psychological Association, (2002). Criteria for evaluating treatment guidelines. Retrieved on 4th April 2010 from: http://www. apa. org/practice/guidelines/evaluating. American Psychological Association, (2005). Policy Statement on Evidence-Based Practice in Psychology. Retrieved on 4th April 2010 from: http://www. apa. org/pi/families/resources/ebp-statement. pdf Wilson, S. G. Taylor, J. , (2005). Applying sport psychology: four perspectives. Champaign, Human Kinetics

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Theory of human motivation

Theory of human motivation Abraham Maslow Abraham Maslow is considered one of the most influential psychologists of 19th century, and one of the leading authorities in humanistic psychology. Humanistic Psychology is a branch of psychology with focus on human behavior. Besides the Theory of Human Motivation work that put him in limelight, he had authored other famous work in the field of psychology. Some of his other writings are, Eupsychian Management, psychology of science and Motivation and Personality (Hoffman, 1990). In 1967 due to the influence that his work on theory of human motivation had in the field of psychology he was awarded the title Humanist of the Year by the American Humanist Association (Hoffman, 1990). At the height of his career Abraham Maslow served in various professional capacities. He was a senior lecturer at Brooklyn College in the faculty of psychology. He was a professor and the chairman at Brandeis University in the department of psychology for almost two decades since 1951. At the time of his death in 1970 he was a fellow at the Laughlin Institute (Hoffman, 1990). But the legacy that Abraham Maslow left behind will certainly outlive him. Today his work on Hierarchy of Needs as contained in theory of human motivation is taught worldwide in classrooms and his name is synonymous with Hierarchy of Needs. Indeed the concepts on Theory of Human Motivation and hierarchy of needs as he defined them are no longer limited to the field of psychology but are increasingly being included in many other varied disciplines. During the time that he was a lecturer at Brooklyn College Abraham Maslow ideas on human behaviors were influenced by fellow psychologist in the same college (Hoffman, 1990). But it was not until when he become the professor at Brandeis University that Abraham Maslow finally was able to draft the idea behind theory of human motivation. It was while at Brandeis University that Abraham Maslow met Kurt Goldstein. Kurt Goldstein had advanced the concept of self actualization which he had earlier published in a book called Organism (Hoffman, 1990). It is this concept that had formed the framework of theory of motivation that Abraham Maslow was researching on (Hoffman, 1990). In 1943 Theory of Human Motivation was first published in the Psychological review journal. Later he would write several other books based on the theory such as, Towards a Psychological of Being and the Further Reaches of Human Nature (Hoffman, 1990).. Abraham Maslows Theory of Motivation provided a valuable insight to human needs requirement level that had previously not been studied. More importantly his research work was on psychology field of human behavior that over the years had not generated new ideas. The Theory of Human Motivation presented a fresh approach on which human behavior was studied. The power of Maslows Theory of Human Motivation was its simplicity and relevance. Maslow used a diagram to demonstrate the various levels of human needs that was explained in his theory which he referred as hierarchy of needs (Hoffman, 1990). The result was a concise framework that outlined a persons need and importance at each stage of life. These needs are defined as, Physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs and self-actualization (Hoffman, 1990). Physiological needs are the first and the most important that a person requires such as food, shelter and clothes but are not limited to this. They are those needs that must be met for life to be bearable. Safety needs are those that come after physiological needs. They include such requirements such as job satisfaction, security and financial freedom. The safety needs are in two parts that which satisfy the physical and which satisfy emotional needs (Hoffman, 1990). After safety needs comes social needs which are entirely emotional. In this category a person needs are friendships, love among others, and for some reason at this level these needs are important to a person. Then esteem needs comes thereafter, they are the likes of social status, self respect, recognition, and accomplishment, this category too serves to fulfill the emotional requirements. The last level in hierarchy of need is self-actualization which comes after all the other needs have been met. In this level a person seeks to have wisdom instead of knowledge, questions the meaning of life and values such as truth and justice are central to his life. This is the highest and the last category of emotional needs (Hoffman, 1990). That is all there is to it to the theory of motivation as researched and advanced by Abraham Maslow in summary. However the impact and implications of Maslows theory of human motivation were far and wide. Today theory of Human motivations is applied in so many sectors and disciplines worldwide to influence human behavior (Deckers, 2009). Not to mention that it is now a major discipline and an area of study used by teachers to impart skills to future professionals so that they can use the same theory in order to better manage people. The beauty behind theory of human motivation is in its ability to clearly articulate the various level of human need with key specific needs at each level. This way the ability to influence behavior, through motivation for instance has been simplified to a great deal Motivational speakers use this concept to change organizational behavior in a work place. A motivational talk is a profession that has recently come up to address the challenges faced by modern day organizations. The purpose of a motivation speaker in an organization is to motivate positive behavior change among the employees. The need to motivate and positively change employee behavior has increasingly becoming an issue of interest to the organizational leaders for two important reasons. Foremost employee motivation will increase work productivity and therefore overall organization productivity, besides a motivated employee achieves job satisfaction and is likely to stay on the job for long time. This is important for the organization since it reduces the recruitment and training costs that are usually associated with high rate of employee turnover. Number two, motivation talks is important in changing the organization culture. In order to change organizational culture employee behavior must be influenced positively. Maslow theory of motivation has enabled these requirements to be met in a work place (Deckers, 2009). This is because a motivational speaker is able to use the hierarchy of needs to determine which needs are key to influencing positive behavior change. Since motivation is rooted to a person requirement change in personal needs will also result in change of motivation levels. Therefore an organization is able to achieve it needs and the need of employee at the same time. Another area that Maslows theory of human motivation is applied is in leadership management. An organizational leader needs to be able to effectively motivate employees at work place beside directing and managing the employee. Indeed employee motivation is now central to organization success and leadership roles. The need of having motivated employee at work place is one of paramount importance. In modern day organization setup employee motivation is an achievement that organization actively supports for it to remain competitive and productive. Managers are aware of this and use the Maslow theory of human motivation, indeed numerous management books has been written on motivation at workplace. The organizational motivation publications authors interpret Maslows human motivation theory in context of work place environment (Deckers, 2009). But Maslows theory for human motivation is not only limited in organizations employees motivation. In psychology the idea of human motivation has been advanced by several other psychologists using the theory as a baseline to their studies. One such study was done by Carl Rogers, a psychologist who developed a therapeutic psychological process of treating mentally disturbed persons. The ideology behind the Client-centered Therapy was borrowed from the human motivation concept (Hoffman, 1990). Treatment is enabled through a process that guides the patients to identify important personal requirement by removing mental obstacles that prevent this achievement. Hierarchy of needs is an important tool that a person can use to assess the point at which a persons life has reached. This is important in guiding an individual to the path of happiness and satisfaction since a person will be able to assess the needs that are most important at each level (Valdez, 1998). Maslows other works on field of humanistic psychology actually touches on personal happiness. In his description of Peak Experiences Maslow explains that for this to occur a person must achieve the self-actualization stage of life (Valdez, 1998). Peak Experiences refers to particular moments of time when a person experiences extraordinary sense of happiness, peace, fulfillment and satisfaction in life. For years basic needs have been defined in three levels only but now after Maslows hierarchy of needs the correct context in which a person needs occurs have finally been discovered. Other new publications and research on human motivations have improved upon the concepts on which Maslow based his publications. As years go by Maslow theory of human Motivation will continue to be widely read and adopted in a range of other new upcoming disciplines. Maslow theory of human motivations like other scientific research inventions did not escape criticism from fellow scholars. Indeed it is more likely that theory of human motivations had it limitations, as Abraham Maslow once concurred that the theory was only meant to form a framework for which other studies should be done to improve upon it (Hoffman, 1990). Among the criticism that is had been directed to this theory is its inability to explain and define hierarchy of needs for particular religious believers. They have no material wealth, no sense of security and esteem needs, or social needs yet they are able to attain the self-conceptualization level (Hoffman, 1990). Maslows theory is certainly not able to address this concern. Another criticism also directed towards the theory is one that concerned the research procedure that Maslow used to arrive at the ideology. Most scientists agree that Maslow used a proportionally small case numbers to generate the research model that he later applied to a whole race of people worldwide. Having said that for the most part Maslows theory is effective and certainly relates to most people and there are very few instances that are exceptional References Deckers, L. (2009). Motivation. Washington, DC: Lambert Deckers Publishers. Hoffman, E. (1990). The Right to be Human: a Biography of Abraham Maslow. Florida: John Wiley Sons Inc Valdez, J. (1998). Self Actualization Through Humanistic Theories. Virginia: Penguin Publishers.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

My Philosophy of Education Essay -- Philosophy on Education Statement

Philosophy of Education The field of teaching is one of undoubted complexity that has questioned the nature of students, knowledge, and education since the beginning of time. Due to the dynamic and controversial quality of this area, it is necessary for a prospective teacher to develop his or her personal philosophy of education, whether it is a hodge-podge of several standard examples or one clear viewpoint. My own philosophy derives from a little bit of each of the five basic philosophies with essentialism marginally coming on top and existentialism representing the least of my teaching attitudes. These aspects influence my personal views of the nature of students and knowledge, and the purpose of education, what I think will be my methodology of teaching, and how I feel about what should be included in curriculum and why. In order to be an objective, encouraging teacher, I believe that the students should be viewed in the best light as possible. Rousseau’s theory of the "noble savage" exemplifies this point that people are basically good. Although religiously speaking, I have been taught the sinful nature of humans, I cannot hold this against my students as free will provides the stipulation that people do will do what they want to do. Therefore, guidance is important to steer students toward desirable qualities such as appreciation for learning and responsibility. This guidance should accompany the mindset of giving them the benefit of the doubt. If a teacher starts classes thinking the students are naturally difficult and reluctant to learn, the outcome of achievement does not bode well, according to the Pygmalion effect. Thus my view of student nature combines the notion of the presumed receptive student and the beha... preparation for the future and unforeseen circumstances. It is true that plans may change, but a guideline is helpful at this point to ensure the right steps are being taken toward my desired goals. I do not mean for my educational philosophy to be so confusing or contradictory by including so many mixed elements. But, right now, I do not want to discredit any principles that I find remotely noteworthy that may end up being crucial components of my approach. In addition, I sincerely doubt my philosophy will be completely unchanging, even as I embark on my professional career. Nevertheless, I look forward to all the experiences and philosophical exposure that will continue to shape my way of thinking so that I truly can be the best teacher I can be. Works Cited: Woolfolk, A. (2004). Educational Psychology: Ninth Edition. Boston: The Ohio State University.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Russian Diplomacy Essay -- essays research papers

Diplomacy   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There were many reasons for WW1. There was the assassination of a European archduke and many building rivalries between most of the european countries. Italy, Russia, France, Austria-Hungry, Germany and England all sought the goal of acquiring new market and establishing global empires. Russia had already had influence over Manchuria and hoped to take control of Dardanelles and Bosporus.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the year of 1908, Russia had been called upon to bail out Serbia after Austria-Hungry had annexed Bosnia-Herzegovina. Russia just turned their back and denied the help to Serbia and there were two reasons for this. First, Russia had just ended the Russo-Japanese War and had no room in their budget to help out Serbia. Second, They had already secretly made a deal with Austria Hungry to take Bosnia-Herzegovina in a trade for the Dardanelles. When the Russians found out that Austria-Hungry had double crossed them and went ahead with their move before they could take part in the deal they became furious with Austria-Hungry. Because of this, Russia left the Three Emperor's League. This league consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungry, and Russia. After this occurred, Germany and Austria-Hungry formed a triple alliance with Italy. In 1890, Russia formed an alliance with France because they were afraid of being attacked by the triple alliance. A few years later Russia and France would allie with Great Britain to form the Triple Entente.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The big day for the Russians came on July 30, 1914 when Czar Nicholas II ordered Mobilization of his troops against Austria-Hungry and Germany. Russia decided to make their move when Austria-Hungry attacked Serbia. England and France decided to support Russia in their war with Austria-Hungry. In the first few weeks, The Russians took Germany and Austria-Hungry by surprise and invaded East Prussia from both the south and the east. Then the Russians were beaten senseless by the Germans at Tannenberg (Poland). In this battle alone, the Russian casualties reached 120,000. The assassination of Czar Nicholas II and his family cleared the way for Lenin to be in Control and take Russia out of the war.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the Game Diplomacy, Russia had the strategy of the normal beginner. Don't Lose! For about the first few moves we remai... ...nd more of the south if the game had gone a little further. Our alliances helped along the way but they helped the most when we squashed our allies and enemies with betrayal.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the real WWI, Russia did not have the same outcome as we did. They were caught up in the Russian revolution which pulled them from WWI. Russia Allied with France and England. This helped them attack on multiple sides of the Central Powers. By the end of WWI Russia was poor and weak.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In conclusion, the way that we played the game as Russia and the way that the real Russia fought in WWI may not have been the same. But we both fought Germany and we both maintained the west for at least a little while. It is probably a good thing that Russia lost WWI because with them winning the communist party would probably be much bigger today. Anyway, I enjoyed playing this game. At first I had no idea how to play which helped me play dumb with Kevin. After I learned a little bit i was able to stab him in the back and take most of his land. If we ever played this game again I would change a few things but my result would definitely be the same. We will Win!

The Exporters Pocketbook :: Business

<a href="">Sam Vaknin's Psychology, Philosophy, Economics and Foreign Affairs Web Sites I. The Export Transaction and its Documents The Transaction Finding a market for the goods (market research) Selecting the marketing channels Negotiations Pricing Distribution channels Order Contract Commercial Invoice Commercial Invoice must include (minimum): Payment Terms Mode of Payment Division of Costs Details of Carrier Details of Receiving Party Details of Buyer Other Details For best results use the ECE (Economic Commission for Europe) Standard Commercial Invoice Packing List must include (minimum): Contents of the Packaging (=of the shipment) If more than one package or outer and inner packing – all contents per each packing and per each package must be detailed separately Permits and Licenses Export licenses if needed Standards certificates Labeling Quality control certificates (highest is ISO, such as ISO-9002 or ISO-9000) Health and phytosanitary certificates Veterinary certificates Other permits, licenses and certificates Service Providers Marine Transport Air Transport Land Transport (lorry, train) Insurance Warehousing Banking and other Financial Services (factoring, forfeiting, etc.) Airway Bill of Lading (ABL) (More details later – see appendices for samples) Holder of ABL does not own goods Air Transport Contract not effected – but ABL proof of existence of such contract, including weight, measurements, number of packages and invoice. Marine Bill of Lading (MBL) Proof of receipt of goods in a certain condition Proof of existence of transport contract MBL facilitates the transfer of ownership Negotiable, transferable and assignable Subject to the Hague conditions and MUST INCLUDE: Name and address of sender Port of loading and Port of discharge Date of lading and place of issuance of bill of lading Name of vessel and number of voyage Identity marks of cargo Description of goods – number of packing units, weight, volume Condition of goods – statement of carrier (if not stated – the goods are in good condition) â€Å"Clean on Board† not â€Å"Foul† Types of Bills of Lading (BL) Shipped BL – Goods are on deck of ship Received for Shipment – Prior to loading onto ship Direct BL – From origin to destination, transshipment not allowed Ocean Through BL – In case of transit involving a few carriers. In such a case, each carrier imposes its own conditions on each leg of the voyage and for the limited duration it handles the cargo. Pure Through BL – First carrier must transport from port of loading to a mid-point and is responsible for damages to the goods.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Language and Gender essay- Nora’s first job Essay

Nora’s first job is an opening of a short story from an annual that has been published for girls. As the story is in a book that is aimed at girls. The language and the writing style would have been created to make the book easier to read for the audience. The writer would have to write about things that girls are going to find interesting otherwise they are not going to sell lots of their books. Throughout the texts many linguistic methods have been used. One of the linguistic methods that I have found is the use of exclamatory punctuation. There are many examples of exclamatory punctuation in the text and they all seem to be important points. The exclamatory punctuation ends up emphasising on a word or a phrase when the girls are talking. For example ‘you should be more careful!’ includes an exclamation mark at the end of the phrase. This could mean that the girl was shouting at Nora and then this might have come across harshly towards her and cause the other girl to feel more powerful than the other. As the phrase would have been said from a girl, it would have sounded as if she was being catty and that there might not have been a problem. Sometimes women are insulted by other people. This can cause women to become reclusive and can stop them from being themselves. In the short story Norah’s first job we can see that graphology has been used. The most important thing that graphology can show is what women and men are perceived as and how they are meant to this story there is a picture of a woman who is picking out clothes. The clothes seem to be dresses which could indicate the fact that women are supposed to wear dresses and that they are all meant to dress the same. The woman in the image could possibly be Norah. We can infer this from the fact that she is trying to get a job at a shop where they sell women clothes and dresses. By having an image on the page people are more likely going to pick up the book and read it. Young girls especially are going to find the images intriguing and this can then make them want to carry on reading the story. The sentence types play a huge role in short stories. If the lengths of the sentences are too long then people are going to get bored and stop reading the book. Youngsters especially are going to see a whole page of writing that is line after line and they are going to then not want to read the book. There has been a lot of use of adverbs, this could mean that the writer might have wanted to do this in order to portray the fact that women  are often the quiet ones. For example in this text the adverb carefully has been used. This could infer to us that women are too carefully and that the woman who is featured in this story is going to be portrayed as a careful person. Another adverb that has been used distinctly. This might have been used to ensure that the women are the ones that usually separate themselves from others and they are the emotional ones who exaggerate everything. Some people would say that women in this story seem to be controlling of all situations. We can see this in the text when one of the women end up saying that all the staff are ill and that she also feels so ill. This might be the reason as to why the exclamation mark has been used in order to show that sometimes women end up exaggerative every situation. Personal pronouns have been used throughout this text. The fact that when the girls are having a conversation neither of their names are hardly mentions they are always referred to as ‘you’. This might have been done to show that women are not as important as men. This might be because the man who is mentioned in the story usually has his name when he is brought into the story. Whenever there is an argument going on in the story again it is always the use of personal pronouns. The text seems to be formal as they are applying for a job, even though this is happening the text still seems to be interesting. From having the story laid out on an easy read level this will mean that younger people will also be able to read the story.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Defense and National Stability

Having built your particular community what were some of the Issues you aimed to consider. Counter terrorism and Irregular welt are Acting in concert with other intend of stateal indicator, we essential continue to be strong and specify other affiliates and adherents under constant pressure, wherever they may be. To achieve expert parry terrorism and irregular, the strategies involve an gain in standard police and domestic cognizance and alike technology. With good technology has, however, grow the draw of armed services and law enforcement operations.Countering rregular welfare, we exigency to be connected with the community and dupe sure there isnt each plaza left (like, swamps, jungle, forests, and hills) for them to discombobulate their batch hold in and learn how to fight, or recruit members by dint of and throughout the community. Power projection (aka force projection) We need to have an area distant to bounce our own territory In grade to maintain our ability to project motive In areas In which our access and exemption to operate are challenged. This ability is a crucial element of a states office in International relations.There are low-key and hard power projections. oft power projections are securing sea lanes of parley, next Is non- fighter aircraft evacuation, or humanitarian, last is quiet-keeping as troops operations designed to support diplomatic efforts to reach a long-term policy-making settlement to an on-going dispute. Hard projections are coercion deterrence, armed intervention or show the flag which symbolic deployment of military forces toa land for the purposes of demonstrating political Interest, re clear up or to progress to more forceful military actions. ? surroundings Globalisation has brought approximately an Increase in environmental egradation some argue that it has also brought slightly an increase In sensation of environmental management. 2) What were some of the key considerations yo u had to turn up In mind when you were bulldlng your society? get impressively in cyber quadruplet In modern armed forces, we layabout non conduct fast-paced, sound operations without reliable information and communication networks and assured access to cyberspace. o present tense we need best supporung Infrastructure In order to face a put of scourges that may destroy, disrupt or put down assets. Therefore, we ould need to work with domestic and supranational allies and partners and endow In locomote capabllltles to defend our networks and resiliency towards cyberspace. Counter weapons of plenty Destruction Even though, how good our pastoral Is, if ever there are sight who make use of Illegal proliferation ot any type weapons operation.Our earth may not be a safe and peace site. Thus, we need to implementa Cooperative Threat step-down (Nunn-Lugar) Program, and planning and operations to locate, monitor, track, interdict and watertight Weapons ot Mass Destruction and related omp iodinents and the means and facilities to make them. 3) wnat Klnas 0T Tacllltles 010 you plan wnen you were DullOlng you community heritage (Internal Security Department) To show the citizens about the threats from multinational terrorism, foreign subversion and espionage. Shelter and radiocommunication Stations Create Bomb Shelter, place to keep the family and batch protected in order to avoid the outside possibility and stay safe for the time being. Having a Radio orders rear end abide the listeners to be well inform about what happen outside when in the break down shelter has no power socket to hack in and watch he television receiver also if have avoid everywhereexposure to intelligence operation rebroadcasts of the events. Television news of traumatic events can be particularly frightening to children, curiously when it is viewed repeatedly.Thus, stay tuned to the local emergency answer network or news station for up-to-date information and instr uctions. -Community Safety focalise A place to give the people in the community to have a view on what happen when catastrophe strike. The centre comp gos of the house plus a instruction room with full audio-visual facilities and remote handset quiz equipment to enhance the visit. ) How did you make the lives of your people colorful? Common living space provided by public ho utilise bread and butter unitedly in the same part provides opportunities for people from different heathen groups to interact. fuck off Community center and Shopping malls accommodate them to relax and learning new things in free time. Have events and programs organized by grassroots organizations Grassroots organization much(prenominal)(prenominal) as Peoples Association (PA) create jet space through their wide range of programs and activities developed to cater to the needs and interests of every citizen. ( care home visits) 5) What are some easons for the rise of conflicts in societies and what would be some good means to resolve this? Conflict over scarce mental imagerys The natural resources of the world such as land, water, oil and fish are unequally distributed.Some countries have more of such resources while others have less. Those with less resource might use force to set ahead more, e special(prenominal)ly when these resources are necessary for selection and economic growth. -Conflicts over different ethnic groups The lack of understanding among the racial groups can create suspicion and unhappiness among the people. This may lead to utbreaks of violence among ethnic groups. To solve this, multi-racialism The policy of multi-racialism promotes equality among the ethnic, with no special rights granted to any particular racial or religious group.Everyone has equal opportunities to succeed, heedless of their background. -Or, Common practices An action that our unsophisticated, everybody carries out together. relation the national anthem, taking the pledge and attention flag rising ceremony. Talk about Bilateral ties and multilateral ties and military. We should adopt a natlonal securlty policy 0T deterrence supported Dy Olplomacy. Deterrence pollcy Is ased on being nimble for any form of threats while underdeveloped diplomatic relationships with as many countries as possible.Deterrence taken by countries to prevent and protect themselves from threats. These threats may be carried out by countries or non-state aggressors such as multinational terrorists. Deterrence could be practiced using the following methods 1) Citizen armed force If our country could not afford a vainglorious professional army. Thus, our government could plan to ground a citizen armed force through enlisting able-bodied men into army. alike(p) National Service (NS) all able-bodied male citizens ere called up to serve full-time NS. Through it, our country learns to defend their country.Not except that, NS also helps men to bond as they share a common cause du ring their training. This bonding helps to develop in them a sense of loyalty, patriotism and a shared out destiny for our Country. 2) Total plea team A way to involve everyone in the defending team of the country. It can only be effective only when all citizens believe that the country is worth defending, and are involved in our defense efforts. So, potential aggressors will view twice about attacking capital of Singapore if they now they face the entire nation and not Just the armed forces.Total defense consists of five aspects Military, Civil, Economic, Social and Psychological defense. 3) Beside building up a strong defense force within the country, we got to actively fosters hospitable ties with the armed forces of other countries. This is conducted mainly through two-sided and multilateral military agreements, enunciate military exercises, training programs and participation in the UN peace missions. Bilateral military agreements and exercises We have to make agreemen ts with various countries to allow our force to train in their countries. Examples New Zealand, Indian and others.In addition to these agreements, we also conducts regular military training with neighboring countries, these training activities increase cooperation and strengthen ties among the participating countries. Multi-lateral It is similar to bilateral but it is more towards global issues. Where the defending team ministers from number of different countries gather together and talk about international problems. Like in the event of an external threat against a particular country, members would consult one another on the appropriate measures to be taken to deter the aggressor.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Journal Article Review Homeless Veterans Essay

Journal Article Review Homeless Veterans Essay

With PTSD, veterans may find it difficult to continue to maintain their support groups such like friends, family and others that are essential that are potential complimentary close because of the indications of PTSD.Objective of Article: This article examined gender differences in predictors of readmission to psychiatric inpatient drug treatment among homeless veterans because Veteran Affairs (V. A. ) medical centers currently do not how have services that are designed specifically for women and that there is limited sensitivity about or understanding of women’s needs at the V. A.Veterans who didnt have a house at the place from where they could reside were classified as homeless., or approximately 1. 4 million of a total of 25. 5 million veterans. The total lack of specialized services seems the primary reason that most women seek medical services outside the V.

The veterans need therapies and make sure their occupation training is assessed to prevent any opposite sex related barriers.for women in drug treatment (p. 60). Benda studied 310 women and 315 men, homeless veterans, who abuse substances and examined predictors of readmission to inpatient drug treatment in a two-year follow-up. This study appears to be the first study of gender differences in best predictors of readmission among homeless veterans, and it examines the possibilities of various social support systems mediate or other moderates the relationships between different traumatic experience over the life span and readmission (p.Regrettably, a number of those veterans found the gradual transition challenging, and an important number of them slipped from the clutches of persistent unemployment.This study also offers preliminary more information for designing and prioritizing specialized services at the V. A (p. 63). Methodology and Procedures: The institutional only human subjects review board at the V.

Models like home first require.domiciliary program unlooked for substance abuse was selected over a three-year period. Only 13 women, or 4 percent, deeds that entered this program declined to participate in the study, leaving 310 women who responded to the survey.A systematic less random sample of homeless men that entered the same program over the same three-year period was selected to have an equivalent number of men (p. 64).Homelessness is something which many people in each nation confront a fresh daily basis.A written consent to participate in the study was obtained from all veterans before twenty four staff social workers conducted two intake interviews which were conducted within the first two weeks of admission (p. 66). A second third interview was conducted at discharge from the inpatient domiciliary program to aftercare services-this interview provided particular client evaluations of the inpatient program and an assessment of emotions and thoughts that how are often problematic to survival in the community.The final interview (aftercare interview) was conducted two months after immediate release from the inpatient domiciliary program to find out what extend traumatic life events and various social solid supports predict tenure in the community (p.

Its very common.Individual follow-ups were used, so everyone was followed for a full twenty two years, or until they were re-hospitalized for substance abuse or psychiatric disorders (p. 68). Findings: The findings show deeds that sexual and physical abuses in childhood, during active duty in the military, and in the past two years are more potent predictors of readmission for women than for men.Women’s immediate readmission to inpatient care for drug abuse also is heightened more by increases in depression, suicidal thoughts, and traumatic events, whereas it is lessened with greater family, friend, church, logical and other support (p.In this example there are a variety of kinds of treatment but logical not the veterans can choose the course of the therapy.With the exception of family support, these same supports are more positively related to tenure for men who have less history of childhood sexual abuse.Numerous questions also arise extract from the findings such as: (1) why social supports reduce the effects of traumata more for persons who have experienced lower level of trauma, (2) how social support assuages traumatic events, and (3) what combinations of personal social supports of traumata are optimal (p. 78). Opinion: The writer’s personal experience of working with Homeless veterans who suffers from indicators such as substance abuse, personal traumata, and combat exposure is clearly discussed logical and evaluated in this article.

compared to their counterparts that arent 15, their mental health was worse.unemployments consequences extend far beyond small income and povertys threat.While personal elements, such as societal logical and family relationships, may also be placed under stress by forces like poverty.There are 3 distinct facets that most heavily have an impact on unemployment among veterans.

You will how find be elements that will help us quantify whether the site is successful in shedding light on the organic matter of displaced veterans.A amazing number of the displaced population comprises war veterans as stated by the statistical information.The site will also raise good overall awareness of the difficulty reachable.In the long run, this site is for their advantage.